


The next Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 17th September, 87pm at St. Margaret's Church Bygrave. The agenda can be found HERE






Latest Update:


30th August, Lower Bygrave Defibrillator Informationavailable to read HERE.


27th June, Please see the notice of rights to view request the account HERE


19th June, North Herts: Controversial plans approved for solar farm, click HERE for more information.


26th March 2024 - Notice of Election - Arbury ward - May 2024 Elections

Please read HERE a Notice of Election for the "All Out" District Council Election on 2nd May 2024.

All the Notices of Election for all the Elections on Thursday, 2nd May 2024 (Parish, Police and Crime Commissioner – PCC and District Council) will be on the North Hertfordshire District Council webpage (


26th March 2024 - Notice of Election - Baldock East ward - May 2024 Elections

Please read HERE a Notice of Election for the "All Out" District Council Election on 2nd May 2024.

All the Notices of Election for all the Elections on Thursday, 2nd May 2024 (Parish, Police and Crime Commissioner – PCC and District Council) will be on the North Hertfordshire District Council webpage (


8th December 2023 - Christmas Newsletter - read HERE


5th October 2023 - Notice of Review - Polling District Review

Dear Town / Parish Clerks

Further to my previous email regarding our review of Polling Districts, Places and Stations, thank you very much to everyone who submitted feedback and suggestions to us so far, which have all proved very useful. In each case, we are investigating the options put forward to us.

We have now published the Notice of Review, formally commencing the consultation period, as well as our current proposals for the new polling arrangements. These documents can be found on our website at: Polling District Review | North Herts Council (

A copy of the Notice of Polling can be found HERE

Please note that where you have already submitted suggestions and these are not captured in the proposals, this may be because we are still investigating their suitability before including them. The final report will include a summary of all options that we have considered; however, if you wish for your comments to be formally recorded, you will need to submit them during this consultation period.

As per my previous message, we are keen for all interested parties to provide feedback so that we can ensure electors in the district have reasonable facilities for voting.

We want to get your opinion on issues such as:

  1. whether you think any of the Polling Station locations should change
  1. what you think about any changes we are proposing
  1. where polling stations could be relocated to

We would be particularly interested and grateful to hear if you have any specific feedback related to the following areas:

  1. Where a polling station’s location is not very accessible geographically in relation to the polling district (and therefore the voters) voting there. For instance, is there a main road / train track / hill / large distance / other physical feature which makes getting to the polling station an issue for voters (or any other access / transport issues).
  1. Where the outside of the polling place has issues with accessibility, such as obstructions in the approach or entrance to the building, no dropped kerb / level access to allow for wheelchair access or no external lighting.
  1. Where there are issues with the inside areas of the polling place or polling station, such as internal steps, corridors causing access problems, lack of sufficient space for accommodating polling stations and polling booths ensuring the secrecy of the ballot, or lack of adequate internal lighting.

Comments and Representations on the proposals may be submitted as follows:

  1. - By completing the online feedback form on our website - Polling District Review | North Herts Council (
  2. - By Email – to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – please mark the subject of the email as ‘Polling District Review’
  3.  - By Post – to Electoral Services, North Herts Council, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 3JF

Anybody making representations should be aware that, upon completion of the review, all correspondence and representations received must, by law, also be published.

Many thanks in advance for your co-operation – it is much appreciated.


1st August 2023 - Planning Application 22/00741/F BYGRAVE SOLAR FARM

                                   - Objection letter

                                             - Letter to NHDC Traffic Management

                                             - Letter to Michael Muir


21st March 2023 - Early Spring 2023 Newsletter, read it HERE


21st March 2023 - Boundary Commission


Bygrave Parish Council have been advised of the proposed ward changes put forward by the Boundary Commission and wonder why the Parish Council were not advised of these proposals directly

We agree wholeheartedly with North Herts District Council proposals.

To include the current wards with that of the Baldock East and the new Baldock expansion is not at all satisfactory. The needs of rural communities are totally different to towns including town expansion.

It seems to Bygrave Parish Council that it would seem far more sensible to leave Arbury Ward, which serves Bygrave, as it is with a District Councillor understanding the specific issues of the locality and to allocate an extra councillor to serve Baldock East incorporating the new Baldock expansion.


January 2023 - Local Government Boundary Commission - Comments Submitted

Bygrave Parish Council have been advised of the proposed ward changes put forward by the Boundary Commission and wonder why the Parish Council were not advised of these proposals directly. We agree wholeheartedly with North Herts District Council proposals. To include the current wards with that of the Baldock East and the new Baldock expansion is not at all satisfactory. The needs of rural communities are totally different to towns including town expansion. It seems to Bygrave Parish Council that it would seem far more sensible to leave Arbury Ward, which serves Bygrave, as it is with a District Councillor understanding the specific issues of the locality and to allocate an extra councillor to serve Baldock East incorporating the new Baldock expansion.


Bygrave Parish Council















































Bygrave Parish Council serves the Hamlet of Bygrave which has won the "Best Kept Village" title in previous years. The village stands on a clay-capped hill, a defensive position where the original settlement was surrounded by moats which can still be seen today. From these defences, the whole parish bounded by Icknield Way, the Great North Road, the Cat Ditch and a ridge to the north would have been visible. The site of the village church, St Margaret's of Antioch dates from at least Saxon times with two phases of Saxon construction from 8th-10th centuries. Some Romano-British pottery, pre-dating the present church by several centuries was found under the north nave wall indicating a much earlier settlement on this site. This church has carvings of the ancient game of Nine Men Morris on the frames of the chancel windows. The Church is open at weekends only and the key is available from the churchwardens. The peaceful lane leading to the church was once the centre of a busy village and known as the Market Place and flourished between the 13th and 15th centuries. There was a 3-day annual fair beginning at the feast of St Margaret. The date was changed to Easter Monday and survived until Victorian days. The Manor Farm has contributed much to the life of this village, from when most people living there were actually employed on the farm, to the present day. Sheep are still grazed on the Common. There is a designated 'Heritage Verge' on the road between Baldock and Bygrave with examples of flora and fauna indigenous to the area. There is a Local Art Group who display their work as 'The Bygrave Collection'.